As Catholics we are called to a life of both personal holiness and explicit service. The St. Louis parish council members are elected by parishioners to serve as a committee that guides the Spiritual growth of our community and provides structured planning and a clear vision to parish programs.
The 15 member council is elected each April for a 3 year term. The officers—President, Vice President and Secretary—are elected by the members each year for a 1 year term. The President may only serve as President for two consecutive terms.
Parish Council members are required to:
Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month and are open to parishioners.
Pearl Brown
Mike Riester
Paul LaCroix
Each parish council member is required to serve on one of the Parish’s standing committees. A brief description of each standing committee’s responsibilities follows. A more detailed description of each committee is contained in the By-Laws.
Assists the Pastor in all aspects of Parish finances and business affairs, including budgeting and providing financial statements to the Parish Council and members of the Parish; focuses on the Church’s physical properties, maintenance, repairs, and improvements.
Plans and carries out activities to beautify the Church and its grounds through gardening and decoration of the Church for Easter and Christmas.
Collects and preserves documents and materials pertaining to St. Louis Church; staffs and maintains the museum located in the Church Hall and assists with creating displays for the museum.
Supports the Pastor to provide meaningful liturgy that unites all elements of the Mass; monitors other musical activities which involve the use of the Church; examines and encourages activities that involve greater participation opportunities for the parishioners.
Oversees the activities designed to provide religious instruction and spiritual direction of our Parish Community; recruitment and organization of Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers and altar servers.
Concentrates its efforts on increasing Parish registration; welcomes new parishioners ; encourages parishioner participation in our Parish Community; coordinates Parish social activities, including coffee hours, Christmas Party and Parish Picnic.
Reaches out to our in-firmed parishioners through visits, cards, telephone calls, etc. Eucharistic Ministers who serve on this committee also distribute Communion to these individuals.
Maintains our Parish Website to ensure it is current, attractive, and welcoming to visitors.
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:05 PM
12:05 PM
4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM