St. Louis makes a beautiful setting for Baptisms. We have approximately 30 baptisms per year.
As a result of Vatican II, the General Council of the Church (1962-1965), the emphasis of
the Sacrament of Baptism has changed. Baptism and all the Sacraments are celebrations
of real-life events. They are visible signs pointing out, declaring, and proclaiming that
something real exists beyond the celebration and is the cause of our celebration. Jesus is
the cause for our celebrating the fact that God is our Creator and loves us beyond our
wildest expectations. We celebrate because Jesus chose to die on the Cross, then rose
from the dead to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of Divine Life itself.
Baptism is the external sign celebrating the entrance of a person into the total Christian
Community as well as into a specific parish family. Parents, Godparents, the rest of the
family and parish family together say:
“We accept you and responsibility for you. We will be with you on your
journey. We believe that by becoming a member of our Catholic Faith
Community, you will have new life, because we promise to love you and care
for you just as Jesus does. You are one of us, our relative as truly Jesus is.”
When Jesus died and rose from the dead, He promised that we would follow Him. He is
not only our Brother, but also our Leader, showing us the way. Just as He died, was buried,
and rose again to a new life, so we imitate His actions in Baptism. We plunge into the
Paschal (Easter) mystery of His death and Resurrection passing over to a new life in a new
Even though the child does not realize this connection and the saving power of Jesus, the
Parents, the God-parents and the Community should. (see Romans 6:3-4)
It follows, then, that if we are celebrating a reality, that reality should exist. The reality
being celebrated at Baptism has to do with a real welcome into the family of God in the
Christian community. Each one of us shares some responsibility for this new person.
Baptism is a beginning, but it presumes there will be a continuation of what was
Baptisms take place on Sundays during the 11:00 Mass.
To register to have your child(ren) Baptized at St. Louis, please:
1. Contact the Rectory at 716-852-6040 / for available dates
2. Contact the Coordinator of Faith Formation, Ashlee Campbell (443-744-0354 / ) to complete the Pre-Baptismal class.
Pre-Baptismal classes are offered virtually. Parents can complete the videos at home, at a time that is convenient for them. Then, the parents and Coordinator of Faith Formation (Ashlee Campbell) will meet virtually to discuss the Baptismal ceremony at St. Louis and answer your questions. This should take place before the Baptismal ceremony at St. Louis.
Parents will pick one or two practicing Catholics to be their child(ren)'s Godparent (sponsor).
SPONSORS (GODPARENTS) who are not parishioners of Family #22 (Downtown Family of Parishes) are required to submit a Letter of Recommendation from their Pastor which verifies Sponsor requirements as stated below.
Parishioners of St. Louis who are asked to be Sponsors will be verified through Parish records.
Sponsors (Godparents) must meet the following requirements: (Canon Law 872,873,874)
1] Must have completed their 16th year
2] Be a Catholic having received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation
3] Are practicing Roman Catholics e.g. – attend Mass weekly and receive Holy Communion
4] If married, are married in conformity to the laws of the Catholic Church
5] Two godparents: one male, one female ( if two are not available, one godparent is
6] A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic denomination may be a witness to
Baptism along with a Catholic sponsor
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:05 PM
12:05 PM
4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM