Have a safe, relaxing summer and may God Bless America.
This week we as a nation celebrate our freedom gained for us by our ancestors many years ago. It was through their tireless efforts that we have had the ability to enjoy the freedoms we do today. It has been through the tireless efforts of many people over the years, some of whom gave their lives, that we have maintained these freedoms and continue to protect them for us today.
The Declaration of Independence, announced publicly in 1776, states that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is why so many people who don’t enjoy these freedoms are attracted to our country.
This day is a day of picnics, parades, and memorials to those who have devoted themselves to the freedom we enjoy. The people of the United States give thanks for a system of government that is admired the world over.
In our country where frequently the separation of Church and State is invoked, it is the church that speaks out on behalf of the people of the world to encourage them to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Second Vatican Council, in its decree on Religious Liberty, promotes the dignity of every human person and their right to freedom. Especially when it comes to religious freedom, the Council states that the right to religious freedom is based on the very dignity of the human person known through the revealed word of God.
It is important that as we celebrate that we also pray for peace, not only upon our land but throughout the world, since many of our citizens are in other countries to secure freedom and peace that is an inalienable right given by God to every human being he has created.
Have a safe, relaxing summer and may God Bless America.
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