We celebrated First Penance and First Eucharist this weekend!
Saturday morning, we celebrated First Penance with our young people and their families who have been learning about God’s mercy and forgiveness. We congratulate our 2 parishioners: Ruby Claire Quinn and Rachel Olivia Korosi.
Sunday morning at the 11:00 Mass, we are celebrating First Eucharist with 9 of our young people and their families who have been preparing to receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time. They will join us at the Table of the Lord each Sunday as we celebrate the Eucharist. We congratulate: Beau Thomas Campbell; Cormac Bryant Dean; Maximillian Aaran Lines; Isabelle Mary McClure; Madeleine Christine McClure; Iago Francesco Moscati; Whitney Anne Poole; George Matthew Rhoney; and Mary Claire Sullivan.
We are grateful to all who have prepared our children for these special sacraments that they are receiving. Thank you to Ashlee Campbell, our Director of Faith Formation and Rebecca Korosi our catechist, for our children to receive these sacraments. Thank you also to the parents who support their children in the ways of faith formation. Thank you to all our parishioners for their prayers
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3:15 - 3:45PM