Summary of the Disciple Maker Index surveys.
Remember those surveys you were asked to complete a few months ago? It is called the Disciple Maker Index. The intent of these surveys was to give the parish an idea of how it is doing.
There were 55 surveys completed. Among the categories contained in the survey were strengths and opportunities of the parish and insights from parishioners involved in the parish.
The survey found that of the strengths of St. Louis is the belief that the Eucharist is the Body/Blood of Christ and that Scripture is the Word of God. The parish was described as a welcoming community where 88% of respondents describe attending Mass weekly.
One of the questions posed was, “To what degree do you think your parish needs to change in order to best fulfill its mission in the next five years?” 50% of the respondents said the parish is in a really good place and there is a need to do more of what is working. The other 50% of those responding said the parish is on the right track and needs some minor tweaks.
The survey revealed that the majority of those who answered the survey found the parish supportive in spiritual growth, prayer life, Mass music, and preaching.
These are just some of the insights that we have gained through this tool. Obviously, no parish is perfect but it appears that St. Louis is still a vibrant faith community.
Thank you to all who participated in this very useful tool in evaluating our parish.
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