Please consider joining the Administration Pillar Group if your background or expertise lends to any of the areas mentioned in the article.
The Activation Stage of the Road to Renewal is designed for parishes of the Family of Parishes to work on the six pillars that make up being Church. This week the Administration Pillar is being highlighted.
A few weeks ago the gospel of Luke reminded us: “Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?”
The Administration Pillar encompasses the practical challenges of functioning together as a Family of Parishes. Jesus’ words above also prompts the question: “Do we just view administration as a spiritually barren necessity for the Church, or, a never-ending series of opportunities to encounter God?”
Some of the functions that the Administration Pillar entails are Human Resources—compensation, benefits, and policies; Safe Environment; Governing/Family Leadership; Central Office; Processes/On-site Hours; Personnel; Budgeting/ Finances; Communication; Data/Reporting; and Security/ Compliance.
The thoughts and skills of our parishioners are important to the successful launch of our Family. If your background or expertise lends to any of these areas, please consider joining the Administration Pillar Group by contacting the parish office.
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