Daily family practices include time for prayer.
Some families practice their religion together as just another event on their schedule: go to church, observe Lent, help at the parish picnic, go to a meeting, volunteer time, use their envelope. But the focus needs to be on who we are— God’s people, in relationship with Him, loved, forgiven, and redeemed, and called to live and proclaim the Gospel. Our awareness of God’s presence and our sense of mission are supported by the daily rituals, celebrations, and traditions that help us stay focused. Sharing our faith strengthens us and clarifies the beliefs and values of Christian Living.
Daily family practices include time for prayer—before meals, before bed, before important meetings and activities. Attend Sunday Mass together and discuss the homily afterward. Create family celebrations for holy days and holidays. Make religion a regular part of your discussions. Include others, especially the elderly and the less fortunate, in your activities and charitable efforts. By applying the virtues of faith, hope and love each day, faith becomes part of who our family is. It influences how we act towards others, what we value, and how mindful of God we are. Faith is the leaven of life that helps all of us rise to our calling and dignity as God’s people.
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:05 PM
12:05 PM
4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM