The Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held next weekend, December 8th and 9th.
During the 2018 World Day for Consecrated Life, Pope Francis remarked, “There is no growth without roots and no flowering without new buds.” This analogy has certainly born out within the life of the Church in the United States. Senior religious were the roots that established Catholic schools, hospitals, and social service agencies allowing generations of Catholics to flourish.
Today many religious communities struggle to provide for aging members. Most elderly religious served for small stipends, leaving a large gap in retirement savings. Rising health-care costs and decreased income compound the struggle to provide adequate care.
Because of the great need that religious communities encountered, the Catholic bishops of the United States in 1988 initiated the national collection for retired religious women and men. The Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held next weekend, December 8th and 9th. Now in its 31st year, the collection is used to help underwrite retirement and health-care expenses for senior religious sisters, priests and brothers. Your contribution to the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital funding for medications, nursing care and more.
It can be difficult to promote yet another collection, especially with many worthy causes vying for the limited resources of parishioners. Please consider giving what you can. Most importantly, please pray for God’s continued blessing on all our women and men religious. They are praying for you.
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