November 18th marked the second annual World Day of the Poor.
Searching for some thoughts for reflection, I discovered that November 18th, last Sunday, marked the second annual World Day of the Poor. Last year, Pope Francis suggested the Catholic Church set aside one day each year when communities can “reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel.” He designated this day as the World Day of the Poor, and it will be celebrated on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time each year. In this year’s World Day of the Poor message, Pope Francis reflects on Psalm 34:7, “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him.” He challenges us to use the World Day of the Poor as an opportunity to make an examination of conscience and consider whether we truly do hear the cry of the poor.
Throughout salvation history, God answers the cries of the poor and shares in their suffering. His response is always a saving and healing act. In the World Day of the Poor, we join God in responding to the poor and ensuring our brothers and sisters in need do not feel alone or abandoned.
In his message, Pope Francis calls the World Day of the Poor “a small answer” the Church gives to the poor “lest they think that their cry has gone unheard. It may well be like a drop of water in the desert of poverty, yet it can serve as a sign of sharing with those in need and enable them to sense the active presence of a brother or a sister. The poor do not need intermediaries, but the personal involvement of all those who hear their cry.”
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