Every September for many years now, one Sunday in September of the Pastor’s choice was designated for the collection for Christ the King Seminary which has provided for the formation of seminarians, deacons and lay people who minister in our diocese as priests, deacons, and lay ministry.
In the spring time, the Diocese announced the decision to close Christ the King Seminary. Included with your envelope packet, is an envelope for Christ the King Seminary. This collection will still be taken next weekend, September 26th and 27th. The proceeds of this collection will still go to the formation of seminarians preparing for the priesthood, men preparing for the diaconate and lay people who will continue ministry in our parishes.
The Formation budget consists largely of tuition expenses for seminarians and diaconate candidates. Seminarians for our diocese are pursuing their studies at either St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore or, for those in their final year of formation at Christ the King for this academic year only. Diaconate candidates are pursuing their formation through a new collaboration with St. Bernard’s School of Theology in Rochester with a combination of inperson classes and remote learning.
Thank you as always for your generosity in supporting the mission of the Church in Buffalo.
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