It is critical for our spiritual development that we take the time to rest, relax and enjoy the life that God has created for us!
After a long cold winter in Western New York, we all look forward to summer. Summer becomes a time for reconnecting with the natural light, the greater opportunities for communal living afforded by being able to sit outdoors longer, watching children playing and people being outside rather than being confined to the indoors. There is a sense of general relaxing, a willingness to linger over meals or encounters, savoring the moment and allowing the time to flow by.
Summer takes us into holiday time. Holidays can give us opportunities for exploration and expansion of horizons. Whether in the country or just passing neighbors’ gardens or public parks, summer reminds us of the generosity of God. Trees and plants flower and vegetables produce what we haven’t been able to enjoy all winter.
So do fun things, take a vacation to interesting places and explore. It is critical for our spiritual development that we take the time to rest, relax and enjoy the life that God has created for us.
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:05 PM
12:05 PM
4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM