This weekend is our final “commitment weekend” for the Upon This Rock initiative.
This weekend is our final “commitment weekend” for the Upon This Rock initiative. We will be asking everyone who is at Mass to consider making a commitment to the Upon This Rock effort. Last weekend many expressed an interest in supporting the Upon This Rock venture. This weekend we are asking everyone, if possible, to let us know what your decision is so that we can finalize our participation in Upon This Rock. We have a very good chance of reaching $1.35 million dollars with the continued support of all parishioners working together.
Since the total raised by our parish has grown to $1.3 million dollars St. Louis receives 55% for every dollar collected toward the Upon This Rock effort. That translates into $.55 for every dollar stays here at St. Louis.
Letters have been sent to all parishioners inviting them to be a part of this historic initiative. A pledge card was also included in the mailing you should have received that can be returned to the parish on or during the commitment weekends.
We will continue to focus on supporting the mission of St. Louis Parish while at the same time assisting the mission of Catholic Charities and the ministries of the Diocese.
I continue to be grateful for your dedicated commitment to St. Louis and ask that you kindly consider being a part of this venture as we seek to serve our community and strengthen the Catholic Church in Western New York for generations to come.
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3:15 - 3:45PM