We need to trust in God
Of course, we see these same dynamics play out in Scripture, where fear leads to hoarding. The most famous story is when the Israelites are in the desert without food (Exodus 16). God rains down manna from heaven but also cautions them to take only what they need for now. They disobey but find that the food they attempt to store away goes bad immediately.
The consistent message we hear in the Bible is that we need to trust in God, who will provide enough for everyone. The problems come when people begin to take more than they need.
Fear of the coronavirus has caused some to stockpile and hoard unreasonable amounts of hand sanitizer, face masks, and other supplies against recommendations of leaders. The problem is that this wipes out supplies for those who truly need them the mosthealth care workers and those most vulnerable to the diseasewithout really making the buyers safer.
Copyright 2020 Paul Canavese. Published by The Pastoral Center/PastoralCenter.com. Permission is granted to reproduce this resource freely.
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