January is a month to pause and reflect upon the things going on around us.
After all the business of Christmas has settled down it seems as if January is a quiet month. It is far from being as busy as the holidays, but January brings us many things upon which to reflect. Our readings for the Christmas holidays many times spoke about how Mary would reflect upon the things that were going on in her life.
January is a month to pause and reflect upon the things going on around us. The beginning of the month January 3rd to 9th was National Migration Week causing us to ponder the plight of the many people who are forced to flee their homes in search of a better peaceful life. With the many refugees pouring into Europe the world has seen the desperation people are fleeing in the home lands. It is not that they want to leave, but it is a matter of necessity. The Church encourages its members to be welcoming to those who are re-settling in our midst.
January 15th, the commemoration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us of the importance of equality among all peoples and the importance of non-violence in our society. Through the inspiration of Dr. King new laws were enacted to protect the civil rights of all Americans.
January 18th—25th is designated as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This is a special time of prayer for the union of all Christians.
January 22nd this year is designated as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. We remember that all people from conception to natural death are deserving of the dignity and respect afforded to everyone as a child of God.
January is indeed less busy, but also provides us time to reflect upon our life as God’s holy people. May we continue to pray for one another and all God’s holy people, especially those that are in need.
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