Thank you to all who contributed their time and talent for a beautiful Advent—Christmas season.
Another Christmas season has come and gone. It takes a great effort and many good people to have a successful Christmas season.
It all began back in the beginning of December with the First Sunday in Advent. Our Advent Wreath was once again prepared for us by Rosemary Bloch. The Christmas party and the arrival of Santa was hosted once again by the Parish Council. Several members of the parish contributed to a good time for all.
Our choir under the direction of Frank Scinta along with our cantor Jim Mrozek provided our sacred music throughout the season beginning with Lessons and Carols, followed by our Christmas and New Years’ Masses.
The church was beautifully decorated once again thanks to John Beller and his crew of Santa’s helpers. There were 36 people who helped transform the church in a beautiful and prayerful space. 25 were on hand to help stow everything away for another year.
Our liturgies were made holy by the many people who helped with our celebration. The liturgies could not be prayerful and uplifting without the many Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Lectors and Ushers that are needed to make each service welcoming and spiritual.
Thank you to all who contributed their time and talent for a beautiful Advent—Christmas season. Thank you to all who prayed with us and visited us during the holidays.
4:00 PM
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12:05 PM
12:05 PM
4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM