Catholic Charities is a beacon of hope for individuals, children and families in need across the eight counties of Western New York.
When you are hungry, we are hope. When you are troubled, we are hope. When you are lonely, we are hope. When you are in need, we are hope. Catholic Charities is a beacon of hope for individuals, children and families in need across the eight counties of Western New York.
Hope is something many have been seeking during this unprecedented and challenging year. Through the first nine months of the pandemic, Catholic Charites supported nearly 35,000 individuals with 105,835 services. In all Catholic Charities brought hope to over 149,000 individuals through programs including mental health counseling, nutritious food and other basic need items for children and families, job training and education, family support and preventions programs.
Catholic Charities strengthens and empowers people to achieve meaningful, healthy and productive lives. Catholic Charities is the most comprehensive human services provider serving all of Western New York.
With a goal of $10 million, the annual Appeal kicked off January 19 and runs through June 30. As of mid-week, Catholic Charities has raised $4,514,502.10 or 45.15% of its goal. St Louis parishioners contributed $47,038.55 toward that goal. Our goal this year is $118,522, $2,000 more than last year. Through your great generosity last year we surpassed our goal by $6,000.
The patron saint for Appeal 2021 is St. Ignatius Loyola.
By now everyone should have received their Annual Catholic Charities cards. You can make a donation by returning your contribution to St. Louis Church, by directly mailing your contribution to Catholic Charities, or by donating on line.
Once again we ask that you be as generous as your means allow and thank you on behalf of all those who will benefit from your generosity.
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