2016/2017 Faith Formation Program begins on Sept 18th
St. Louis’ 2016-2017 Pre-K to 10th grade Faith Formation program will begin on Sunday, September 18th and continue until Sunday, April 30th. All children are welcome to attend and there is no cost to enroll. Classes are held on Sundays, from 9:50—10:50 a.m., in the church hall. Families new to St. Louis need to register. Families who completed Faith Formation classes last year do not need to re-register.
Registration forms, as well as the Faith Formation calendar, are available on the St. Louis website (http://www.stlouisrcchuch.org) or families can contact the DRE, Ashlee Campbell, (834-2439/stlouisfaithformation@gmail.com).
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
3:15 - 3:45PM